LIFE (Lyophilized Indigenous Food Essentials)™
You might be like I was: Low in energy with a workload that was to die for (literally). Mentally foggy and in constant overwhelm made worse by reading books on time management and prioritizing tasks and other stuff that never worked for long. Constantly hungry and not knowing about Hidden Hunger or how I was being driven by my gut microbiome and my own brain to keep eating, looking for nutrients that were missing from our modern foods. I was lucky to actually work professionally in the nutritional analysis of Australian wild foods, bush foods some call them. I now refer to wild foods as the antidote to modern foods. Read Less
By taking LIFE daily, carbohydrate cravings are reduced, physical and mental energy are boosted and appetite gets curbed without any need to try using will power to reduce calories (we all know that this just doesn’t work).
And there’s more good news:
Antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, enzymes and enzyme regulators, good sugars and other components in LIFE are powerful phytonutrients with cellular support roles that filter through to boosting your ideal health over time.
Try it for a month. Stop for a few days and see if you can notice the effects over the time that you stop taking these essential nutrients. If you are monitoring blood sugars, blood pressure or other biochemical markers, you may see a marked difference after taking LIFE for even a few weeks.
Please remember that LIFE is primarily made from freeze-dried (lyophilized) wild foods which haven’t been bred for sweetness or to be low in fibre. As a result, your first taste might be a little tart but having a half a teaspoonful of the powder straight on your tongue 2 – 3 times a day is a lot like those sherbets eg Wizz Fizz or Fruit Tingles when you were a kid but without the bad sugars or artificial colours and flavours.
If you prefer a liquid, add a heaped teaspoonful (5g) to water or any juice or try it with a small amount of honey or maple syrup until you train your taste drive for sweetness to drop. The new stevia and monkfruit powder available in stores is good too and doesn’t have the bad sugars in honey or maple syrup.
Personally, I find the taste of LIFE deliciously addictive and knowing what it does for me is all the more rewarding. The evidence for the phytochemicals in wild foods reveals a myriad of effects; from slowing down the rate of ageing; to providing more energy; sharper thinking; proving more stamina and strength as well as reducing recovery time post-exercise; and a whole lot more. This is Intelligent nutrition at its best.