Lemon Bottlebrush - Melaleuca pallida
The Lemon Bottlebrush, scientific name Melaleuca pallida, is a shrub with Tasmanian provenance that can grow to be 1.5 to 4.0 meters tall.
It produces beautiful yellow flowers in late spring/early summer, and its young growth is often pink.
This plant is hardy against snow, frost and can tolerate partial shade.
It is a moderate grower and a favorite among birds. The Lemon Bottlebrush can be used as a screen, windbreak, hedge, or specimen plant.
It is adaptable to any type of soil, whether wet or dry. Prune as needed, and enjoy the company of honey eaters and parrots attracted to its scented flowers.
This packet contains a minimum of 15 fresh seeds, carefully collected and exported by Wildseed