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Callistemon four seasons

  • $6.45
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This shrub is dense and medium-sized, with a low branching habit and pendulous foliage.

Its distinguishing feature is the large clusters of crimson-pink flowers that bloom year-round.

It is perfect for compact hedging, screening, or as part of a mixed planting with other shrubs or taller screening plants.

To ensure healthy growth, use a good native fertiliser in the spring.

This plant belongs to the Myrtaceae family and is known as Four Seasons. It is evergreen and has a weeping growth habit.

It can thrive in a variety of soil types, including sandy, clay, loamy, and poor soil. It also does well in a range of climate zones, from sub-tropical to cool temperate.

This plant can tolerate dry conditions and prefers well-drained to moderately moist soil. It has many special uses, such as bonsai, street tree, erosion control, and providing a habitat for birds and other wildlife.