Make the most of the fresh produce you buy and ensure not just the maximum shelf life but the highest quality of food safety too.
Naturally sanitize your fruits, vegetables and protein foods using our proprietary mix of culinary herb and spice extracts.
We ship this product as a concentrate with the essential oil components bound onto Acacia gum. Herbal-Active® is best thought of as a natural (herby) flavour and comes in the spouted pouch, ready to be made up to a litre with blood-warm (tepid) water. One way is to tare the weight of the pouch setting it to zero and then adding just enough water to wet the powder in the pouch. Remove the pouch from the scales and press the front and back of the pouch to fully moisten the powder inside. Put back on the scales and make up to 990g of warm water through the spout to make 1 litre of working solution for spraying or dipping fruits, vegetables, salad greens, fresh herbs, sprouts and any meats and seafood. It is even effective at slowing the ripening of soft cheeses and will extend the life of cut flowers.
Keep the spray bottle with the prepared Herbal-Active® solution handy for those skin burns, scrapes, cuts and bites. The solution can also be sprayed into your mouth and over gums and teeth where it will freshen up even the most coffee-laden, smoker’s breath. It will also kill organisms that pave the way leading to dental caries and more importantly, those which are responsible for periodontal disease. Try it on your dog’s breath too.
Safe to use on open wounds, in eyes, ears, mouth, hands and genital region – for all over personal care.