Indigenous Microseris lanceolata - Yam Daisy
Our indigenous range is sourced from local seed collectors that have lived in Dimboola their whole life! They are passionate about rejuvenation, sustainably and gathering seed from trees and shrubs naturally grown in the area.
Our indigenous rage rang has approximately a 100km radius from Dimboola town center and we are very proud and passionate to be able to share this range with everyone!
These seeds were sourced locally from Dimboola and germinated and grown in our nursery.
A variable species found in southern Australia, it looks very similar to dandelions, even having a fluffy seed head which is dispersed by wind. It has a rosette of toothed long and narrow leaves, yellow flowers from spring to autumn, and edible tuberous roots. The roots are roasted before eating, and can also be eaten raw.
The plant is quick growing, and likes full sun to part shade. Will do well in most soil types, and while it is drought and frost tolerant, good care will ensure better growth.