Blue Flax Lilly - Dianella tasmanica seeds
The Blue Flax Lilly - Dianella tasmanica is an attractive, hardy, and robust plant that grows in tufts and spreads through vigorous rhizomes.
In spring and summer, delicate blue flowers with yellow anthers can be seen in long, loose heads, followed by large violet blue berries.
Aboriginal people used the long leaves of flax lilies for making string and baskets by splitting and twisting the fibers.
This native plant is found in southeastern Australia and Tasmania, preferring a medium to heavy soil in a protected, shaded location.
It is drought and frost resistant and is best germinated in the spring or autumn months.
To promote germination, the seeds can be pre-treated with boiling water or smoke for optimal results.
Note 2: Seeds of many natives are dormant and require specific conditions or pre-treatment for germination.
Do not be too hasty to discard seed that does not germinate, seeds will often lay dormant until the conditions are similar to their natural requirements for germination to occur.
Containers put to one side will often surprise long after they were discarded.